Always wanted to play the harp? This day is for YOU!! Come join the local harpists and harp enthusiasts for a full day of market place, workshops and the evening concert on Saturday, October 20t 2018 starting from 10am to 10pm. There will be harps, harp related books & CD’s for sale, harp petting zoo, harp lessons & ensemble classes, workshops for Gigging harpists, electronic technology, Exam & Competition Prep, and the Evening Gala Concert featuring the 4 winners of the American Harp Society Grants: CYRENIUS YUEN, RENEE QIN, HAYLEY FARENHOLZ, HONOKA SHOJI with Flutest, EUNICE PARK and Pianist, LILLIAN LIU; plus PHILIP, ALEXA REIMER, and NATHANIA KO on the Chinese Konghou Harp, and three harp ensembles including the KITS WINGS ENSEMBLE. Get ready to be inspired by experiencing the endless possibilities of different musical genre on the harp from Celtic, Folk, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, French-Impression, Contemporary, Pop, Flamenco, Jazz and Blues etc…
Don’t miss the VANCOUVER HARPTACULAR DAY!! Just imagine a mini version of the World Harp Congress…
Saturday, October 20th, 2018
10:00 am – 11:00 am Gigging Workshop: How to make living as a harpist
11:00 am – 12:00 noon Preparation for Exams and Competitions
10:00 am – 12:00 noon: Ensemble Practice
12:00 noon – Lunch Break
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Panel for Parents of Harp Students
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm Dance Music Workshop
7:00pm – Evening Concert
Vancouver Unitarian Church
949 West 49th Avenue @ Oak Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 2T1
Get your tickets now from the link below-
Workshops $25
Evening Concert $25
Family Workshops & Concert $50